Ashbrooke Quality Assurance International Limited

Internal QMS Auditor Training Course




Practice Modules


The following is the Practice Module Case Study background to be used for all of the responses to the practice challenges:


Click here for PDF version of the following information

Case Study Background

Company Profile:

Liebermacher Engineering Limited (LEL) was established in 1989 by Richard Liebermacher to provide high-tech, high precision design and manufacture of metal components and products for the aerospace industry.  In 1994, LEL diversified its operations to seamless weld fabrication. 

LEL employs 120 employees.  The following list shows the personnel make-up of the company:

  •  20 persons ...   Administration (sales and marketing, accounting, customer enquiries, quotations, orders)

  • 10 persons ...   Design Department (product design, CAD-CAM)

  • 25 persons ...   Fabrication Shop

  • 60 persons ...   Machine Shop

  • 5 persons ...     Warehouse (receiving, shipping, stores)

LEL=s Head Office is situated in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.  This office manages all administration activities internationally and locally.  The manufacturing facility is located in the nearby city of Burnaby, B.C.

Current Quality Management System Scope:        

Design and manufacture of high precision machined and fabricated metal components

Current Reference Standard:          

ISO 9001:2008

Description and Status of the Quality Management System:

The QMS is set up in a typical 3-level structure.  The following is the latest status of each level:

  • Commitment to Quality (Policy Document) ... Issue 3, January 1, 2004

  • Quality Procedures (Process Documents) ... Issue 3, Rev. 1, February 12, 2004

  • Work Instructions (Task Documents) ... Issue 3, Rev. 2, March 14, 2004


Organization Floor Plans






Using the Case Study Background information above, complete the following:

Identify the initial steps for the Document Review, itself.


Prepare and Audit Plan for LEL’s organization (conformance audit).

Print this PDF Audit Plan form for use with this exercise (4 copies).


Prepare an Audit Checklist for investigating the activities for LEL’s commercial process (includes enquiries, estimates, quotations, order receipt, order review, order changes). Note: Identify a minimum of 7 different issues and create the Audit Checklist using these issues, as appropriate.


Prepare an agenda for an Opening Meeting and explain the purpose for each agenda item.


Review the following three incidents; prepare a Nonconformance Report/Opportunity for Improvement, as appropriate, for each.  

Print this PDF Nonconformance/Opportunity for Improvement form for use with this exercise.

Incident No 1. 

While in the Purchasing Department, the auditor asked the Purchasing Clerk her method of deciding which supplier to use when purchasing raw materials.  The Purchasing Clerk showed the auditor her copy of the Approved Suppliers List.  PM 3 (Purchasing), para 3.4.1 states  ‘suppliers and subcontractors shall be selected for inclusion and use on the basis of: 1) previous performance, 2) Supplier Questionnaire, or 3) site visit.’  A review of Purchase Order No. 134/03 placed with Roger Steel Stockholders revealed this was a new supplier.  The auditor asked how this supplier was selected for their list.  The clerk’s response was that this was the second time being used.  She further said she made it a policy to take one order before formally accepting them onto their Approved Suppliers List stressing that the first order must be fully acceptable by the Quality Department, as well.  The Purchasing Clerk showed the auditor their first Purchase Order No. 128/03 placed with Roger Steel Stockholders indicating an Acceptance Stamp from the Quality Department to support her statements.

Incident No. 2. 

PM 1 (Sales and Marketing), para 1.5.3 states ‘All customer orders shall be reviewed for acceptance against any relevant quotation information.  Acceptance shall be indicated by the reviewer’s signature and date in the Order Acceptance Block stamped on the customer order document.’  During the investigation of customer orders, the auditor observed that Order No. OR/114/03-5 was not stamped or signed as required.  The Commercial Manager took exception when the auditor challenged this condition stating “This is a blanket customer order supporting a current contract already reviewed and agreed.  There is no need to review this order.”  The Commercial Manager showed the auditor the current contract (Order No. OR/114/03) to support his statements.

Incident No. 3. 

The complete QMS was audited two weeks ago by an external auditor.  PM 8 (Internal Audits), para 8.10 states ‘Qualified external auditors may be used by LEL to conduct internal quality audits.’  Audit Report No. 2-03 was reviewed as being acceptably organized, well presented and properly documented.  The external auditor was obviously very experienced and well trained.  Upon investigation, the Quality Manager was not able to formally demonstrate the external auditor’s qualifications.  Further, no persons employed at LEL are trained internal auditors.


Prepare an agenda for a Closing Meeting and explain the purpose for each agenda item.